Aleksandar Mastilović
Engineer with a strong passion for advancing technologies for humanity who dreams about sustainable economic growth.
Biography of Aleksandar Mastilović
Leading Roles: The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ( IEEE) Publications Services and Products, Member-at-Large 2023-2025.
Aleksandar is an engineer with a strong passion for advancing technologies for humanity who dreams about sustainable economic growth. Society still faces many challenges, such as economic disparity, extreme poverty in many parts of the world, and the lack of access to clean water and sanitation. By engaging existing technologies, we can find solutions for many existing challenges.
His mission is to look for cost-effective and time-efficient tech-based data-driven solutions for digital transformation to be more acceptable and understandable to everyone. Living, traveling, and working abroad made him open-minded, adaptable to the new working environment and business ecosystems, and familiar with different working cultures and mentalities. Working in fundamentals engineering research in the academic community and industry and working for the government sector enabled him to observe challenges from various perspectives of different stakeholders and taught me to find a multi-stakeholder approach and solution.
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